Microbiome Science has been studied for a long time, but the research that has come out in recent years is definitively showing how important the gut is in overall health. Researchers are finding correlations with chronic inflammation to diseases like:
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Celiac Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Depression, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and it even has links to Colorectal Cancer and Parkinson's Disease. Our bodies all have a unique composition and makeup of over 40 trillion microorganisms on and inside of them. The majority of these microorganisms live in our gut and in our colon.
What we put into our bodies is literally what fuels us and gives us energy. Historically, we have all been told that there are certain foods that are seen universally as healthy foods and some that are inversely seen as universally unhealthy.
This is where the major problem with current diet and inflammation reduction programs comes in.
Everyone is different.